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How Journaling Can Improve Your Gut Health

What do writing words on paper have to do with healing your gut? The answers might surprise you. Journaling can benefit your digestive health in several ways. In fact, there’s been a surprising amount of research done on the health benefits of keeping a journal.

Reduce Stress and Digest

Writing in a journal is a powerful exercise for reducing stress. There are few opportunities in life to spill out your deepest emotions without fear of judgment, and journaling is one of them.

Stress is terrible for your gut health. It inhibits healthy digestion, and chronic stress can even lead to more severe conditions like leaky gut.

Using a journal as an outlet to vent negative emotions gets them out of your system and has a cathartic effect. It might seem strange if you’ve never journaled before, but you’ll probably grow to view writing as a form of therapy. It’s simply a space to write down how you truly feel and process the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Keeping Track of Your Reactions

Another benefit of journaling for gut health is keeping track of what goes into your body and your reactions to it. You don’t have to do this forever, but if you want to get on the fast track to healthy digestion, it’s necessary.

Try writing down what you eat and how you feel for one week, and you’ll become much more aware of your reactions to certain foods. It doesn’t have to stop at how you feel physically; you can also make a note of how you feel emotionally after eating certain foods.

For instance, perhaps eating soup makes you feel comforted and cozy, while eating a fast food burger might make you feel bad about yourself. Write it all down, and over time, you’ll become more conscious of only putting food in your body that’s deeply nourishing.

Make it Special

Journaling is an act of self-love. You do it for yourself and no one else. Get yourself a beautiful journal that inspires you to take action. Having a gorgeous journal will encourage you to use it—check these ones out for ideas and happy writing!

If you’re seriously interested in getting healthy, restoring your digestion, and boosting your energy, then check out my new comprehensive program, Restore Your Gut Health. Details are available here [insert link to gut health program]. In the program, you’ll receive a ton of delicious, satisfying recipes, as well as strategies to help rebuild your health.

To your wellness,

Sandra Smith

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